The Quintessential Introductory Blog

As my first blog entry, I'll give a little background light. This is probably why it has taken me three weeks to post this, but hey...I've settled on this small introduction to the man behind the keyboard and my first official post afterwards...


Recently, I remember reading about one of my favorite comedians, the late Bernie Mac. In the particular article, the author noted that he used to say,"I walk alone."It's a simple phrase--nothing too philosophical at all. I walk alone. Now, many people might take that as an admission to being a loner...or an elitist or arrogant statement. But, personally, the words struck a chord in a different tune. It meant that he was an individual. A true individual. As a black man, one of the hardest things to do is to be an individual---especially in a world in which the "powers-that-be" prefers to keep everyone mentally and socially sedated in a society that discourages deviating from the collective norms. I personally don't think individuality has anything to do with appearance--Piercings, tattoos, eccentric (compared to society) styles, etc. none of that means anything. Physical appearance is meaningless in reference to a person's character and personality, yet, people are swift use such to form judgment on another. I liken appearance more to art than anything else (But that's another post) .Growing up, I never had role models. I never wanted to be like anyone. I wanted to be myself and remain true to who I am. Fortunately, I learned that at a young age and If a person ever has trouble understanding anything about me, understand that I'm an individual.


-j. claude- said...
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-j. claude- said...

It took you about a year, but you finally got it posted...meanwhile, continue to walk along your road of individualism; all the while remaining alert for that juncture where Individualism and Obscurity meet...wouldn't want you to end up on the wrong road my dear...
